Support Group parameters

The OCD, TTM and BDD groups are only open to sufferers aged 18 or over. The Family, Friends & Carers Support Group is open to family members, friends and carers of any age. All groups are free, confidential and provide support and information but not treatment. The groups are run by trained, experienced facilitators

1. The support groups, which are closed groups, are only open to sufferers who have these conditions now or for people who currently have concerns that they may be suffering from the particular disorder.
2. The OCD, BDD, and TTM support groups are only available to sufferers who are 18 years or older. The Family, Friends & Carers Support Group is open to family members, friends and carers of any age.
3. We offer support and information only for all of the support groups. The purpose of these groups is to help members cope and ease burden. Discussing specific treatments (e.g. therapy approaches) is not appropriate for any of our support groups – not all people in the support group may be at a stage to consider treatments or indeed might not wish to follow such an option. To ensure our groups remain as respectful and inclusive to all participants it is important that we don’t veer into discussions on treatment approaches, treatment providers or medications.
4. We ask that support group members please refrain from inappropriate reassurance seeking during the groups.
5. These groups are confidential. That means that each member of the group should feel safe to discuss personal matters. In order to make this a safe place, each group member must agree to respect the rights of other group members and by agreeing not to discuss anything they hear in this room with people outside the group.
6. Facilitators will be provided with training and supervision from affiliated professionals.
7. These groups are confidential except in the case of where there may be harm to self or others expressed in which case a member of the OCD Ireland Management team will be contacted. This is to help each member of the group feel safe so they are free to discuss personal matters and get support.
8. For the purpose of the online support groups, as part of the booking process, we ask each support group user for their mobile phone number. This may be used if there are safety-related concerns within a group. As an example, if a person is unexpectantly disconnected from the online group, we may look to phone the individual to make sure they are okay. In this scenario, to avoid the need for a phone call, we would ask that you please just send a quick email to to let us know that all is okay.
9. We do not provide any professional referrals or professional recommendations.
10. We do not endorse specific Practitioners, Psychiatrists, Psychotherapists, Treatments, and Medications although OCD Ireland does follow the NICE Guidelines (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence).
11. Under no circumstances are members to be inebriated upon arrival to the group, these members will be asked to leave.
12. If this is your first group, we suggest that you use this opportunity to observe how the group works and to actively contribute to future groups. This will help you to see if this group meets your needs.
13. We ask you to trust your group facilitators to step in if it is necessary. Please do not offer personal opinions about other group members; this allows everyone to feel safe in what they say.
14. Groups are operated with a “one voice at a time” rule, in order to give each individual the chance to fully be heard. OCD Ireland asks each member to take personal responsibility for their actions, and to respect other members within the group. For the purpose of the online support groups we ask group members to mute their microphones while other group members are speaking.
15. We ask that group members have their camera turned on for the duration of the online support groups. Please contact one of the facilitators via the group chat if you are unable to have your camera turned on.
16. For any people who wish to do research they must submit a detailed proposal to our ethics committee who will review it (the email address: ). No group member will have to participate with any research unless this is their choice nor will any occur in any support group.